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Canon Fisheye Sigma

Wide 15mm f/2.8 diagonal fisheye lens is designed for full-frame canon ef-mount dslrs, however can also be used with aps-c models where it provides a 24mm equivalent focal length.. Gift certificates/cards international hot new releases best sellers today's deals sell your stuff international hot new releases best sellers today's deals sell your stuff. The sigma 15mm f2.8 ex dg diagonal fisheye lens for canon mount [4476927] holds a unique position in the sigma lens line up. the 15mm is a diagonal fisheye which means the distorted scene is shown full frame within the camera's field of view..

Fuji 10-24mm f/4 Sample photos have surfaced ...

Fuji 10-24mm f/4 sample photos have surfaced

Nikon D750 | Sigma 15mm F2.8 EX Diagonal Fisheye | Sample ...

Nikon d750 | sigma 15mm f2.8 ex diagonal fisheye | sample

Rokinon 12mm f/2.8 Full-Frame Fisheye Lens Review | An ...

Rokinon 12mm f/2.8 full-frame fisheye lens review | an

Sigma’s 8mm f3.5 ex dg circular fisheye are a unique approach to creative photography. images created by fisheyes are a circular, curved distorted view of reality. it allows photographers to shoot creative images by taking advantage of the acute perspectives that are invisible to the human eye.. Sigma has for the first time marketed a true fisheye optic for crop sensors, projecting a circular 180

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